News Gruppen News

Welcome Kevin!


A warm welcome to Kevin who is visiting the group with a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He previously …

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2018: Lectures and Hands-on sessions in computational molecular biophysics


Computational Molecular Biophysics How can a bird sense magnetic fields, how does our ear detect sound waves, how does our bone …

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Kate Maguire gibt Vortrag im Astronomischen Kolloquium


From May 22 to 23, 2018, the PSO group hosted Dr Kate Maguire. Kate leads a research group at the Astrophysics Research …

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Gast: Stefan Taubenberger


From May 17 to 18, 2018, Dr Stefan Taubenberger from ESO Garching visited the PSO group to work on superluminous Type Ia supernovae. Stefan …

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Gast: Jakob Nordin


From April  26 to 27, 2018, Dr Jakob Nordin from the Humboldt University Berlin visited us to collaborate on questions regarding the use …

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Welcome Odysseas!


A warm welcome to Odysseas who has recently joined MBM group as a Bachelor student. Odysseas grew up in Athens, Greece. …

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Gast: Stuart Sim


From April  9 to 13, 2018, Dr. Stuart Sim from the Astrophysics Research Centre at Queen’s University Belfast visited the PSO group …

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Rolf Kuiper gibt Vortrag über Accretion and Feedback in the Formation of the Most Massive Stars


On Wednesday, April 11, Dr. Rolf Kuiper from the University of Tübingen will visit the PSO group. He will give a …

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Lecture: Python programming for scientists


Heidelberg University, Summer Semester 2018, Lecturer: Dr. Markus Kromer

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Welcome Isabel!


A warm welcome to Isabel who has recently joined MBM group as a PhD student. Isabel did her master studies in …

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