PSO group supports workshop at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies (ECT*), Trento, Italy
The PSO group at HITS supports the workshop „Bridging nuclear and gravitational physics: the dense matter equation of state“, which is …

Auriga Project
The Auriga Project is a large suite of high-resolution magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way-sized galaxies, simulated in a fully cosmological environment …

New TRAPP webserver for studying TRAnsient Pockets in Proteins
Many drugs exert their therapeutic effects by binding in cavities or pockets on specific target protein macromolecules. The binding pockets on …

Gast: Jakub Fišák
From May 8 to 19, 2017, the PSO group hosts Jakub Fišák from the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences&…

Jülich Supercomputing Centre grants 27 million core hours for Multidimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Stars
For simulations of physical processes in stars in the framework of project HWB07 „Multidimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Stars“, the PSO group …

Welcome Max!
A warm welcome to Max Simon that has just joined the MBM group as a bachelor student. Max is a …

Artikel in Süddeutscher Zeitung
In der Süddeutschen Zeitung ist ein Artikel über Michael Strube und das Thema Ethik und NLP erschienen. Das Thema steht …

Veröffentlichung in Journal Scientometrics
Eine im Rahmen des von der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft geförderten Projekts “Scalable Author Disambiguation for Bibliographic Databases” entstandene Studie mit dem Titel „…

2017: Lectures and Hands-on sessions in computational molecular biophysics
Computational Molecular Biophysics How can a bird sense magnetic fields, how does our ear detect sound waves, how does our bone …

Gast: Dr. Stefan Taubenberger
From March 13 to March 17, 2017, the PSO group hosted Dr. Stefan Taubenberger from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching as …