News Gruppen News

Announcing Fourth Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm Meeting (BDBDB 4)


Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 4 (BDBDB4) will, like the previous meetings (the last was BDBDB3), provide a forum for intensive …

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Early light curves for Type Ia supernova explosion models


Upcoming high-cadence transient survey programmes will produce a wealth of observational data for Type Ia supernovae. These data sets will contain …

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Frauke has been elected member of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee!


Frauke has been elected member of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee. The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is an …

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Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard


Gruppenleiterin „Groups and Geometry“ am HITS Professorin für Mathematik an der Universität Heidelberg Forschungsinteressen Ich interesse mich für …

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Gast: Shing Chi Leung


From August 7 to 9, 2017, the PSO group hosted Shing Chi Leung, post-doc at the Kavli Institute for the Mathematics and …

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Vorlesung: Theoretische Astrophysik


Heidelberg University, Winter Semester 2017/2018, Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Röpke and Dr. Markus Kromer

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Gast: Johann Higl


From August 2 to 4, 2017, Johann Higl, a PhD student from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching visited the PSO group. …

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2017: Fundamentals of Simulation Methods


Winter semester 2017/2018 by Frauke Gräter and Rüdiger Pakmor This lecture (MVComp1) is part of the specialization in Computational Physics …

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Welcome Christopher!


A warm welcome to Christopher Lance that has just joined the MBM group as an intern. Christopher is …

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TPDL-Papier akzeptiert


Das Papier „Semantic Author Name Disambiguation with Word Embeddings“ von Mark-Christoph Müller wurde als Long Paper auf der TPDL 2017 (International …

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