Interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins and structured partners
On the line of maturing new understanding of the factors regulating the correct dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins in solution, one …
Conformational dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) lack, by definition, of a well-defined three-dimensional structure and therefore explore a much larger conformational ensemble with …
HITS-Kopf gewinnt Heidelberger Science Slam
Lucas Czech, Doktorand in der Scientific Computing (SCO)-Gruppe am HITS, hat im November 2014 den Heidelberger Science Slam mit seinem Vortrag …
PhD defense
Our visiting PhD student Paschalia Kapli, that visited our lab twice, successfully defended her PhD at the University of Crete on …
Wissensquellen effektiver erschließen
Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat ein neues Graduiertenkolleg zum Thema „Adaptive Informationsaufbereitung aus heterogenen Quellen“ bewilligt, an dem auch das HITS&…
How graphene sheets respond to force
Bogdan and Frauke have published two back-to-back articles (one together with the former member of the MBM group Dr. Ilona Baldus) …
Pia Grzesiak – Journalist in Residence 2013
Die Fernsehjournalistin Pia Grzesiak war von April bis Juli 2013 als Journalist in Residence am HITS.Pia Grzesiak studierte Biologie an der …
Volker Stollorz – Journalist in Residence 2012
Im Juli 2012 kam Volker Stollorz als erster Journalist in Residence ans HITS und verbrachte vier Monate an unserem Institut. Volker Stollorz …
Vorlesung: „Cosmic Explosions“
Winter semester 2014/2015 by Rüdiger Pakmor (Mentor: Volker Springel) The lecture on „Cosmic Explosions“ will be given at Heidelberg University in …
Lecture: „Fundamentals of Simulation Methods“
Winter semester 2013/2014 (will be offered again by V. Springel in winter semester 2015/2016) by Volker Springel This lecture (MVComp1) …