High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology

High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology (HAC) group

Christoph Pfrommer joined the “Theoretical Astrophysics” (TAP) group at HITS as a senior researcherworked in 2010, did his habilitation there in 2014 and finally started his own research group. In 2014, he obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council for his project CRAGSMAN, which is investigating the impact of cosmic rays on galaxy and cluster formation. He used the €2 million research grant to establish his own group “High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology” (HAC). Pfrommer and his research group modeled the underlying physics of cosmic rays, magnetic fields, and plasma waves in great detail with the goal to conduct cosmological simulations at high resolution on supercomputers. They validated their results by comparing their simulations to observations of radio and gamma-ray telescopes.

Since 2017, the astrophysicist is leading the research group Cosmology and Large-scale Structure at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and professor for astrophysics at the University of Potsdam.


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