
Registration now open: 3rd SIMPLAIX Workshop on “Machine Learning for Multiscale Molecular Modeling”
The 3rd SIMPLAIX Workshop on “Machine Learning for Multiscale Molecular Modeling” will take place in the Studio Villa Bosch in Heidelberg …

Frauke Gräter: “I will miss HITS.”
After fifteen years at HITS, group leader Frauke Gräter will leave the institute at the end of the year. As …

We congratulate: Poster award for Denis!
Denis Kiesewetter received the “Best Poster Award” at the CZS Summer School 2024: “Machine Learning for Chemistry” for his poster titled “Incorporating …

Frauke Gräter Appointed Director at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
After fifteen years at the Institute, HITS group leader Frauke Gräter will be new Director at the Max Planck Institute …

Stretched beyond the limits of the cell: the molecular biomechanics of collagen
HITS researcher Frauke Gräter receives an HFSP Research Grant Award for a project on a novel form of mechanosensing. Together …

Uncovering the complexity of collagen
Debora Monego, PostDoc in the Molecular Biomechanics (MBM) Group at HITS, has been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship (…

Registration now open: 2nd SIMPLAIX Workshop on “Machine Learning for Multiscale Molecular Modeling”
The 2nd SIMPLAIX Workshop on “Machine Learning for Multiscale Molecular Modeling” will take place in the Studio Villa Bosch in Heidelberg …

Mehr als nur ein Gummiband – unsere Forschung einfach erklärt (German only)
Das Strukturprotein Kollagen ist das häufigste Eiweiß im menschlichen Organismus. Neue Forschungsergebnisse decken unerwartete Eigenschaften auf. Wenn Sie mehr wissen …

Holding on to letting go – the Power of Bonds in Cell Stability
Two-component adhesives are a brilliant invention. Scientists at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) have found that the principle behind …

The sacrifice within – how collagen’s weak bonds help protect tissue
HITS researchers publish new findings on collagen, the most abundant protein in our body: So-called “sacrificial bonds” in collagen break faster …