Woman in Science
Svenja de Buhr is a doctoral researcher in the MBM group and today one of the protagonists in the video series “…

It’s in the DNA: sequence recognition by the linker histone
Using single-pair FRET (Fluorescence/Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) spectroscopy and computational modeling, Madhura De, researcher in the Molecular and Cellular …

HITSters will be part of new faculty at Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University has founded the Faculty of Engineering Sciences to pool competences for innovative engineering approaches with international visibility. HITS researchers …

“Test of Time Award” for HITS researcher
Alexandros Stamatakis, group leader at HITS and professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has received the “Test of Time …

Astronomy Award for HITS researcher Fabian Schneider
Astrophysicist Fabian Schneider, head of the junior group “Stellar Evolution Theory” (SET) at HITS, has received the Ludwig Biermann Award of …

Build your collagen fibril!
Obtain your atomistic collagen fibril models with ColBuilder! We have now published a web resource of collagen models for 20 different species …

Computational Oncology: Exploring the origin of Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and women worldwide. Due to the microscopic size of the …

HITS researcher is Schiemann Fellow of the Max Planck Society
Ganna (Anya) Gryn’ova, head of the Computational Carbon Chemistry (CCC) group at HITS, has been elected as Schiemann Fellow of …

Using Bioinformatics algorithms to predict the European Football Championship
Researchers from the Computational Molecular Evolution (CME) group at HITS have simulated the knock-out phase of the European Football Championship using …

The MBM video contest winner is …
Have you ever tried to explain complex scientific findings just with words? We all know how important clear and memorable scientific …