Women in academia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Last month, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) organized a virtual conference on “The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women …

Anna Wienhard appointed new Scientific Chairperson of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation
The mathematician Anna Wienhard, HITS group leader and professor at Heidelberg University, will be the new Scientific Chairperson of the Heidelberg …

The calculated tumor – how algorithms support the search for vaccines against cancer
Malignant tumors are caused by genetic mutations. In so-called microsatellite unstable (MSI) tumors, an important repair system of the cell has …

Two papers accepted at EMNLP
The paper “Centering-based Neural Coherence Modeling with Hierarchical Discourse Segments” by NLP group PhD student and HITS scholarship holder Sungho Jeon …

ERC Starting Grant for HITS astrophysicist
Fabian Schneider has been awarded about € 1.5 million for five years. He will establish his own junior research group at HITS. Astrophysicist …

Uncovering the structure of stars
Astrophysicist Saskia Hekker is the leader of the new research group “Theory and Observations of Stars” at HITS and professor in …

Chemists amid coronavirus
Anya Gryn’ova discusses with Chemistry World how the global pandemic affected work and wellbeing of her research group. See the …

A difficult task: Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 data
Computer scientists from HITS and KIT review the challenges for phylogenetic methods in analyzing the evolution of the corona virus: Large …

Starting from scratch – HITS group leader Vincent Heuveline nominated as one of 108 “Heidelberg Heroes”
Our notion of a hero is usually a person who is admired for having done something brave or having achieved something …

Verification and post-processing of weather forecasts
Fellowship term ends for Tilmann Gneiting as one of ECMWF’s first three Fellows CST group leader Tilmann Gneiting was appointed …