Opening Ceremony of the Max Planck Schools
The three pilot Schools officially welcome their first students at the Harnack House Berlin, September 11th: The Max Planck Schools have …

KBbox is online!
A new web server, KBbox, provides a toolbox of computational methods for studying the kinetics of molecular binding Recent research has …

Poster Prize for Goutam Mukherjee
Goutam Mukherjee, PostDoc in the Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group at HITS, has been awarded a Poster Prize at the 19…

„Best Paper Award“ for HITS researchers
Federico López and Michael Strube, both members of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) group at HITS, and Benjamin Heinzerling (former …

HITS shareholders Heidelberg University and KIT are “excellent”
Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have been awarded the Status of Excellence by the German Council of …

Local and Precise: Neural Networks in Weather Forecasts
Thunderstorms, sun, heat and cold – this year’s May showed how quickly the weather can change. Responsible is the “chaotic system” …

Two Humboldt Fellows at HITS
Since 2012, HITS has been the host for eight fellows of the Humboldt foundation. This year, the institute was glad to welcome …

The COMBINE Meeting celebrates its 10th anniversary!
The “Computational Modeling in Biology” Network (COMBINE) was founded ten years ago as an initiative to coordinate the development of community …

Several papers accepted
Several papers by NLP group members have been accepted at upcoming 2019 conferences and workshops. The paper “Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Hyperbolic …

Welcome Martin!
A warm welcome to Martin who has recently joined MBM group.He is a physics master student in Heidelberg. In …