Data visualization with SABIO-VIS
Collecting and curating data has never been more important – especially for systems biology. If already existing data isn’t available to …

Max Planck School Matter to Life – Application Portals now open
The new Matter to Life Master’s programs at Heidelberg University, Göttingen University, and Technical University …

The irresistible pull – when massive stars collide
All neutron stars are magnetic, but some are more magnetic than others. The latter, so-called magnetars, are the strongest magnets in …

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
At the CCC-organised ChemNobel, Coffee and Cake event, we have successfully predicted the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry going to John …

Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit (in German)
HITS „Journalist in Residence“ Andreas von Bubnoff spricht am 7. Oktober, 16:00, in Heidelberg über Wissenschaftsjournalismus in Zeiten von post-truth und reproducibility crisis …

“Best Poster and Demonstration Award” for HITS NLP scientist
Mark-Christoph Müller from the Natural Language Processing (NLP) group at HITS has been awarded the “Best Poster and Demonstration Award” …

Opening Ceremony of the Max Planck Schools
The three pilot Schools officially welcome their first students at the Harnack House Berlin, September 11th: The Max Planck Schools have …

Gesa Schönberger appointed member of BMBF “Strategic Foresight” initiative
How will current trends in research and education shape the future of society? To address this important question the Federal Ministry …

KBbox is online!
A new web server, KBbox, provides a toolbox of computational methods for studying the kinetics of molecular binding Recent research has …

No. 36 | 09-2019
It’s been a hot summer but at HITS we’ve been hard at work. In July, we celebrated our bi-annual …