Visitor: Fabian Schneider
From January 25 to January 26, 2018, Dr. Fabian Schneider from Oxford University visited the PSO group to collaborate on the evolution of massive …

The largest genome ever: Decoding the Axolotl
A team of researchers led by scientists in Vienna, Dresden and Heidelberg has decoded the entire genetic information of the Mexican …

A new genome for regeneration research
The planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea is an extraordinary animal. Even when cut into tiny pieces, each piece can regenerate back into …

A matter of mobility: multidisciplinary paper suggests new strategy for drug discovery
A joint industry/academia study of a cancer target protein reveals unusual relation between binding site flexibility and drug-target lifetime. The …

Kerstin Hoppenhaus and Andreas von Bubnoff to be “Journalists in Residence” at HITS
The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gives science journalists the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of computer-based, data-driven science with a …

PSO group hosts HJAC colloquium speaker Maria Lugaro
On January 9, 2018, the PSO group hosted Dr. Maria Lugaro from the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. …

Ariane Nunes-Alves
Google Scholar ResearchGate ORCID Twitter Research Interests Kinetics and thermodynamics of ligand-protein binding Molecular modeling and simulation of protein conformational transitions …

Prof. Dr. Tilmann Gneiting
Gruppenleiter Computational Statistics (CST) am HITS Professor für Computational Statistics, Institut für Stochastik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (…

Library of galaxy histories reconstructed from motions of stars
The CALIFA survey allows to map the orbits of the stars of a sample of 300 galaxies, a fundamental information to know …