Colloquium by Wolfgang Hillebrandt

23. April 2018

On Monday, April 23, 11 am, Prof Dr Wolfgang Hillebrandt is giving the HITS colloquium on the topic of “Measuring the Expansion Rate of the Universe: Is ‘Hubble´s constant’ constant?”

About HITS

HITS, the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, was established in 2010 by physicist and SAP co-founder Klaus Tschira (1940-2015) and the Klaus Tschira Foundation as a private, non-profit research institute. HITS conducts basic research in the natural, mathematical, and computer sciences. Major research directions include complex simulations across scales, making sense of data, and enabling science via computational research. Application areas range from molecular biology to astrophysics. An essential characteristic of the Institute is interdisciplinarity, implemented in numerous cross-group and cross-disciplinary projects. The base funding of HITS is provided by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.