News Year: 2017

Prof. Dr. Frauke Gräter

28. February 2017

Prof. Dr. Frauke Gräter Gruppenleiterin „Molecular Biomechanics“ am HITS Professorin für “Molecular Biomechanics” an der Universität Heidelberg Forschungsinteresse …

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Another Successful Defense

21. February 2017

Sebastian Martschat (second from the right, with his examination committee) has successfully defended his PhD. thesis on “Structured Representations for Coreference …

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Dissertation erfolgreich verteidigt

21. February 2017

Sebastian Martschat (zweiter von rechts, mit seinem Prüfungskomitee) hat erfolgreich seine Dissertation mit dem Titel “Structured Representations for Coreference Resolution” …

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Interview with Siegfried Schloissnig

8. February 2017

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Cut it, but not so fast!

12. January 2017

Blood clotting is an amazing biological process in which injured blood vessels are plugged by platelets –flowing in our blood stream– …

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New Scientific Director: Michael Strube

2. January 2017

As of January 2017, Prof. Dr. Michael Strube is the new Scientific Director (“Institutssprecher”) of HITS. As the position of Scientific Director …

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