News Year: 2017

Welcome Max!

10. April 2017

A warm welcome to Max Simon that has just joined the MBM group as a bachelor student. Max is a …

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The Forecaster’s Dilemma: Evaluating forecasts of extreme events

10. April 2017

Accurate predictions of extreme events do not necessarily indicate the scientific superiority of the forecaster or the forecast method from which …

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Facts instead of Fake News: HITS supports the “March for Science”

4. April 2017

The international “March for Science” will take place on April 22nd, 2017. Demonstrations are currently planned in more than 400 cities worldwide in …

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The Dark Side of Natural Language Processing

4. April 2017

At the first “Ethics in Natural Language Processing” workshop in Valencia, scientists discussed the opportunities and dangers of automatic speech analysis. …

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HITS researcher Christoph Pfrommer is new professor at the AIP Potsdam

3. April 2017

As of April 1, 2017, the astrophysicist is leading the research group Cosmology and Large-scale Structure at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (…

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On the front cover: Multiexpert Platform for the Identification of Hits Targeting Parasitic Enzymes

29. March 2017

In the New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections (NMTRypI) project funded by the EU and completed in January 2017, in which 13 partners …

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Article in Süddeutsche Zeitung

29. March 2017

The Süddeutsche Zeitung has an article (German only) about Michael Strube and ethics in NLP. This topic will also be …

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Publication in Scientometrics Journal

28. March 2017

A study entitled “Data Sets for Author Name Disambiguation: An Empirical Analysis and a New Resource” has just been published in …

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2017: Lectures and Hands-on sessions in computational molecular biophysics

28. March 2017

Computational Molecular Biophysics How can a bird sense magnetic fields, how does our ear detect sound waves, how does our bone …

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New species discovered: Protist parasites contribute to the stability of rainforest ecosystems

21. March 2017

Tropical rainforests are one of the most species-rich areas on earth. Thousands of animal and plant species live there. The smaller …

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