News Institutsnews

Highest Scaling on JUQUEEN

18. May 2016

Philipp Edelmann and Friedrich Röpke (PSO group at HITS) showed during the Extreme scaling workshop 2016 at the Jülich Supercomputing …

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Akademische Mittagspause: „Sprechen Sie Mathematik?“

18. April 2016

Mathematiker der Universität Heidelberg und des Heidelberger Instituts für Theoretische Studien laden zu Kurzvorträgen in die Peterskirche ein. …

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Andreas Reuter says “Goodbye” – Change in the HITS Management

18. April 2016

Prof. Andreas Reuter has retired as managing director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). He will focus on the …

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Cosmic Rays: The Key to Galaxy Formation?

13. April 2016

HITS Astrophysicist Christoph Pfrommer starts with new Junior Research group “High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology” – funded by a €2 million ERC Consolidator …

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Quotenjournalismus – Wie Redaktionen mit den Daten über ihr Publikum umgehen sollten

12. April 2016

This content is only available in German. Der Wissenschaftsjournalist Alexander Mäder über die digitalen Möglichkeiten für den Online-Journalismus – ö…

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33 million core hours for collaborative project

7. April 2016

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) has granted 33 million core hours at the Cineca High Performance Computing Center in …

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“Journalist in Residence”: Michael Stang at HITS

25. February 2016

The German science journalist Michael Stang has begun his stay at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) as “Journalist in …

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Data mining algorithms and new standards for astronomers

3. February 2016

Kai Polsterer, leader of the HITS Astroinformatics (AIN) group, is now chair of the IVOA Knowledge Discovery in Databases group. It’…

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New Managing Director for HITS

25. January 2016

On 1 January 2016, Dr. Gesa Schönberger was appointed the new managing director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies. She succeeds …

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Tilmann Gneiting as Editor-in-Chief of “The Annals of Applied Statistics”

13. January 2016

HITS group leader Professor Tilmann Gneiting is now Editor-In-Chief of the peer-reviewed scientific journal “The Annals of Applied Statistics”, which is …

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