NGenIC – Code
NGenIC is an initial conditions code for cosmological structure formation that can be used to set-up random N-body realizations of Gaussian …

Aquarius Project Visualizations
The Aquarius Project is a large-scale collaborative programme of the Virgo Consortium, similar in scope and scale to the Millennium Simulation …

GADGET is a freely available code for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations on massively parallel computers with distributed memory. GADGET uses an …

The Virgo Consortium for cosmological supercomputer simulations was founded in 1994 and has developed rapidly into the international collaboration that it …

Millennium Galaxy Catalogues
When published in 2005, the Millennium Run was the largest ever simulation of the formation of structure within the ΛCDM cosmology. It …

The Illustris project is a large cosmological hydrodynamics simulation of galaxy formation, completed in late 2013, using a state of the art …

TR-33: “The Dark Universe”
The TAP group participates in the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR 33 “The Dark Universe”, funded by the DFG. In the …

The EXAMAG project (“Exascale simulations of the evolution of the universe including magnetic fields”) within the SPPEXA network of the DFG …

SFB-881: “The Milky Way System”
The TAP group participates in the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB) 881 “The Milky Way System” at Heidelberg University. …

The European Research Council (ERC) has funded the Project EXAGAL “Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Formation at the Peta- and Exascale” as …